GCxGC data processsing software-Canvas Basic Suite

GCxGC data processsing software-Canvas Basic Suite

Canvas is a GCxGC data processing software that highlights intuitive operation for GC analyzers and powerful functionalities for both research and routine data work flow. Canvas Basic Suite contains two indenpendent software packages: Canvas Browser and Canvas Scale.


Canvas is a GCxGC data processing software that highlights intuitive operation for GC analyzers and powerful functionalities for both research and routine data work flow. Canvas Basic Suite contains two indenpendent software packages: Canvas Browser and Canvas Scale.

Canvas Browser  -- single data analysis and profiling/identification

  1. Load common data GC or GCMS files

  2. Automatic peak detection and calculation

  3. Multiple cluster types in 2D chromatogram

  4. NIST search with RI confirmation

  5. Selected ion operation and integration

  6. High resolution MS data compatible

Canvas Scale -- batch data quantitation

  1. Multiple quantitation methods

  2. TIC or EIC quantitation

  3. Automatic and manual integration supported

  4. Standard curve and batch analysis